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Remnant 2: Bells Event Guide

Remnant 2: How To Get The Zealot Armor

This game has so many hidden mysteries…

To get the new trait added with The Awakened King DLC, players must locate and shoot three bells scattered throughout the Forlorn Coast. Check out the images below to help you find them.

First Bell is located next to the first checkpoint after re-entering the Forlorn Coast at the Drowned Wen, just before the area with the bridge of boats and next to the door back to where the Preacher is.

The Second Bell is located in the courtyard just before the Palace of the One True King, where there is a large man wielding an Axe and a swarm of hogs.

The third bell is located near the checkpoint that connects Nimue’s Tower and the Palace of the One True King. Head back into the Palace of the One True King and then continue up the path; the bell is up in some ruins at the end of the path.

 Players will automatically receive the Dark Pact trait if all three bells have been rung.