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Diablo Immortal Coming To iOS, Android And PC


Diablo Immortal is all set to be released on iOS, Android, and an open Beta for PC on the 2nd of June.

Blizzard has revealed that Diablo Immortal will be released soon with eight different zones, each having its own style, loot, and enemies, with more zones to follow.

Players can also participate in live events such as the Helliquary, an eight-player task that serves as the game’s first raid experience, to take on greater adversaries.

Diablo Immortal will reportedly fill in the gaps between Diablo II and Diablo III. Fans weren’t very happy that it would only be released on mobile and it seems Blizzard took note and have planned an Open Beta for PC users which will commence on the 2nd of June, the same day as the game is set to be released on iOS and Android.

Some people in Asia-Pacific will have to wait a few weeks longer. It’s a free-to-play game with some in-game purchases available. The PC version will be in open beta at first, but it will have all content and features. All purchases and progress will be carried over as well.

Boss fight footage of Diablo Immortal

All platforms will have cross-play and cross-save capability, so you should be able to easily move between your PC and your mobile device.

Blizzard was reportedly sceptical about creating a PC version which they call “an experiment”.

Directional keyboard controls will be available in Diablo: Immortal. Blizzard claims that mouse control alone would not allow for simultaneous movement and attacks, but the mobile control system does. On the PC, there is also controller support.

Diablo: Immortal was intended to be published last year. However, Blizzard postponed it until 2022 in order to polish it further, including, apparently, a PC port.

Gameplay footage of Diablo Immortal

The game will be available solely online, and it will feature new characters, storylines, and additional content as part of a “living, breathing, and constantly evolving experience,” according to the development team.

Diablo Immortal will be a fast-paced, arcade-like game that has many gameplay elements with Diablo III (such as destructible surroundings).  However, while the game’s art design is similar to that of Diablo III, the tone is closer to that of Diablo II.  It has the same isometric graphic style as the previous games in the series. 

Players can pre-register here before the release date on the 2nd of June.