Fans of Mass Effect would adore the return of this character
The Milky Way Galaxy is likely the game’s setting, as suggested by the most recent Mass Effect teaser. It might also hint at a beloved character’s comeback. BioWare moved Mass Effect fans from the Milky Way Galaxy, the location of the first three games, to the Andromeda galaxy with the release of Mass Effect Andromeda, the most recent Mass Effect game. But according to past hints and reports, it’s anticipated that the upcoming game will transport players back to the Milky Way Galaxy, and the most recent teaser might also include a secret hinting at this possibility.
YouTuber Kala Elizabeth notes on Twitter that there appears to be a Krogan in the background of the N7 Day teaser, which you can watch here if you haven’t already. Above all, though, is the music from the Aralakh Company, Grunt’s theme from Mass Effect 3, that can be heard. Beyond the obvious link to the original trilogy, this is particularly noteworthy because, as far as we know, the Aralakh Company does not exist in the Andromeda galaxy.
Though this is just conjecture, it’s reasonable to interpret this information as possibly hinting that the game is set in the Milky Way Galaxy. Although the usage of this music is very specific, it’s unclear what this might mean. That seems to rule out the Andromeda setting, though, if it is alluding to the Aralakh Company.
It’s also important to note—and this is where the headline comes in—that employing Grunt’s Theme from Mass Effect 3 might be a very plausible way of hinting at Grunt’s presence in the game. Liara T’Soni appears in the first-ever teaser trailer, but she appears much older. As a result, a lot of people assume the game is set far in the future from the trilogy’s events. Which species is the only one that outlives Asari? The Krogan. After all, Grunt is essentially still a baby in Mass Effect 3, and Krogan has the potential to live for a very long time—well over a millennium. Put another way, he might still be present in the game even though it takes place in the far future, and perhaps that’s what this particular piece of music is hinting at. Perhaps he is in the background there as well.