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Final Fantasy 7 Remake To Add New Content


Final Fantasy 7: Intergrade will add new story content and more.

The Final Fantasy 7 Remake dubbed Intergrade was announced at Sony’s February State of Play event along with some added extras.

The remake is set to be released on the 10th of June this year and will star Yuffie who was an optional playable character from Final Fantasy 7. The game follows her story as she attempts to steal rare materia from Shinera Corp.

The trailer states that the remake will bring a number of graphical enhancements such as better reflective lighting and particle effects alongside faster loading times and a new photo mode.

The remake will also include new story scenarios and a higher difficulty setting to sink your teeth Into.

By the sounds of it though the extra content will only be available on PS5. Sony reassures PS4 players that they will be able to carry their save data over from PS4 to PS5 when the DLC eventually comes out later this year.

This next-gen upgrade will be free for all owners of Final Fantasy 7 Remake, but the Intergrade story content must be purchased separately after upgrading to the PS5 version.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake To Add New Content

The gameplay will revolve around Yuffie as we mentioned above who will team up with another character named Sonon. The two have a close sibling-like relationship and are in a party together throughout all the new scenarios within Midgar.

You will reportedly only be able to control Yuffie, although you can still issue commands for Sonon in wait mode.

Another new feature will be introduced where you can coordinate team or partner attacks which will provide a somewhat alternate dynamic to the game’s core combat system.

Although there hasn’t been news on when we could expect the next full chapter, we have heard some news from Nomura on some planned changes for the development of Final Fantasy 7 Remakes second part.

The director of Square Enix Tetsuya Nomura stated: “I have more projects on my plate at the moment than ever before.

For Remake, the core gameplay direction has now been worked out and we can see the points that need improving, so I will hand over the directorship to [Naoki] Hamaguchi (co-director on Final Fantasy 7 Remake) for the next game and continue to be involved in all FF7-related projects, such as the remakes and mobile games, as overall creative director.

The way I am involved in the development work will basically not change though.”

He also mentioned that the game is being worked on at a “normal “ pace and not being rushed in any way and that it was meant to be a lot smaller, but has turned out to be something “unmissable”.

This remake is bound to be something to look forward to for all Final Fantasy fans and will surely be worth the wait.