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Haley Bennett To Join Borderland’s Movie Cast


The much-loved Hollywood actress has found her way into the cast of the upcoming Borderlands movie adaptation.

Bennet’s exact role is still a mystery, but according to The Hollywood Reporter, she is set to play a key role in Lilith’s past. Lilith of course being played by Cate Blanchett. 

Haley Bennet made her film debut in the romantic comedy Music and Lyrics as pop star Cora Corman. A few other films she has acted in include: The Haunting of Molly Hartley, The Hole, The Equalizer, Hardcore Henry, The Magnificent Seven, Swallow, and The Devil All the Time.

Apparently, Bennet’s character will play a key role in Lilith’s past which begs the question of who exactly is she in Lilith’s story as not much is known about her past.

We know that Lilith is a siren who are individuals who have acquired incredible, mysterious powers, and are physically distinguished by elaborate tattoos that cover half of their bodies. It is said that only six Sirens can exist at any given time, and when a Siren dies, their powers pass on to another individual. All Sirens are inexplicably drawn to the planet Pandora at some point in their lives. 

Is Bennett’s character a siren too? Or is she maybe a member of Lilith’s family?

Whatever character Bennett ends up playing we are sure she will put her all into the role as she has done in her previous roles.

The big-screen adaptation of the Borderlands Franchise is being directed by none other than Eli Roth and the script was rewritten by Chernobyl’s Craig Mazin, who is also working on HBO’s The Last of Us show.

Lionsgate, Arad Productions, and Picturestar are the studios behind the project. From the video game side of things, 2K’s CEO Strauss Zelnick and Gearbox’s controversial founder Randy Pitchford are also executive producers on the project.

The entire world is waiting with Bated Breath for this highly anticipated screen adaptation of the Borderlands game franchise. Now that a lot of the cast has been announced, all we can do is wait for the rest of the puzzle to be filled in, and see who is next on this star studded list of actors.