August was a rather trifling period.
We have now gotten a handle on pretty much the majority of the issues and bugs caused by the 5.5 update. It would seem that our theme itself is not very welcoming to these new updates and features. On our end, we are looking into alternatives for site optimization.
Optimization Fixes:
- Optimization on Mobile platforms; There were numerous display errors along with missing tabs and menus. At this stage. Every known issue here has been fixed.
- Optimization on Browser; There were display and sizing issues here that have now been fixed.
- User profiles had severe failures; all of which has now been fixed.
- Numerous minor bug fixes and updates.
- The double heading has also been fixed.
It’s not just the bad, there are some good as well that has taken place. We have been working on improving the layout of our content.
Improvements and Updates:
- Image Captions now display cantered under the images. It is accompanied by its own background colour and font to differentiate it from the rest of the content.
- We have added a new custom font to the website to give the content a more personalized touch.
- Headings have also received a colourful update.
- User profiles were also properly updated with some new features.
- The landing page has also been updated.
- Numerous minor updates and QOL improvements to enhance user experience.
This is some of the changes but not all. We are still busy updating and working on more features.
Our digital shop is also close to being ready. At this stage, we aim for a BETA release around mid-September.
August 2022 Edit: We have recently made some fairly large changes in our team and therefore alot is going to be changing with our site and so with these changes we will be well on our way to bringing the best of what MGR Gaming has to offer.