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Massive Games Bundle Available From 740 Games For A Mere ZAR 90

Yes, you read that right! 740 games from 564 developers can be purchased as a single package for the low price of ZAR 90 (US$5). But why such a low price for so many games? The community of have undertaken this as a project to support the #Blacklivesmatter movement, and this is their call to aid this important cause.

Massive Games Bundle Available From 740 Games For A Mere ZAR 90 (US$5) In Aid Of Black Lives Matter Movement

The titles available span across many genres, including popular adventure games, supernatural  teen dramas and simulations.

Unfortunately we are in the middle of some serious racial turmoil across the globe and even the gaming community can no longer ignore it. So, if you feeling the strong pull to show support in some form, this is a great means.  Another good note is that you can donate a bit extra, if inclined to do so, and you can track the progress of’s target by visiting their website and checking out their target meter.  All proceeds will be split equally between NAACP Legal Defence, Educational Fund and Community Bail Out. 

A small thing to be wary of, however, is that the converted US$5 price may vary on different days, as it is subject to the constant changing of the exchange rate.  Purchases can be made via PayPal or credit card. Currently, there are just 8 days left of this special offer; but don’t worry if indie games are not your cup of tea, it can be quite a cute gift idea for a friend or family who would enjoy these. 

Head on over to and search for their tag “Bundle For Racial Justice And Equality”.