R-Type Final 2 is a highly anticipated Horizontal shooter coming out in 2021, here is what we know about this exciting new installment of a classic space adventure.
Developed by Granzella and published by JP, Granzella WW, and NIS America. R-TYPE FINAL 2 is a Horizontal Shooter that will reportedly be released in 2021 after being delayed from the original 2020 release date. The game will be released on PS4, Nintendo Switch, Xbox Series X, Xbox Serie S, Xbox One, and PC, which is a far cry from the original which was only released on PS2.
R-Type Final 2 comes out nearly two decades after R-Type Final which was released in 2003. This game is a classic side-scrolling shooter where players can customize various ships and blast their way through many different levels and enemies. At the moment there are 9 ships listed on the official site for R-Type Final 2, but they will surely add more as production continues as well as many other details for players to enjoy.
If the new trailer Is anything to go by, we are in for a treat visually and the audio seems enticing too. The game has clearly been upgraded and a lot of hard work has been put into each aspect of the game including ship design and the various enemies you will face.

The developers have said about the development of the new version:
“We try to go back to the starting point without doing anything merely attention-getting, and stick to pursuing playability and exhilaration.”
They have also said that “This game is thoroughly focused on expressions of how enemies are destroyed, and that “ new stages are planned to be added after the release of the game.”

It is clear that Granzella is dedicated to giving us a bigger badder version of this classic game. The official Steam page describes R-Type Final 2 in the following manner:
“The legendary side-scroller is back and better than ever with beautifully rendered 3D graphics, exhilarating shoot-’em-up gameplay, and a multitude of stages, ships, and weapons that will allow you to conduct a symphony of destruction upon your foes.”

The preorder is now available on the NIS America official page for the game as well as any additional information you might need to get you enticed enough to want this game in your collection.