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Robert Pattinson Positive for Covid-19 Batman Production Halted Again


The much-anticipated new Batman Movie has been halted again amidst the news that Batman himself “Robert Pattinson” has tested Positive for Covid-19.

According to multiple media reports Robert Pattinson has recently tested positive for Covid-19.

This latest shutdown of production comes just days after the movie had restarted again in the U.K. Filming was delayed for months due to the Pandemic and has to date only completed 7 weeks of filming. The Batman apparently still has about three months of material left to shoot and they were aiming on wrapping up production before the end of 2020.

On Thursday Warner Bros said in a statement that  “filming has temporarily paused” because “a member” of the production tested positive and is “isolating in accordance with established protocols” for the virus that causes the disease covid-19.

It was Vanity Fair that confirmed through a highly placed source that Robert Pattinson was the individual who became sick.

Robert Pattinson Positive for Covid-19 Batman Production Halted Again

In the new movie directed by filmmaker Matt Reeves (Planet Of The Apes), Batman is in his second year of vigilantism and is trying to solve a series of gruesome serial murders.

He will reportedly cross paths with The Riddler (Paul Dano), Selina Kyle (Zoe Kravitz)  before she becomes Catwoman, and The Penguin (Colin Farrell).

“Tenet,” another one of  Robert Pattinson’s films, has also been a casualty of the virus as Warner Bros. has repeatedly pushed back the release date of the much-anticipated Christopher Nolan movie. The film was released in the United States last week, one of the first major films to open in theaters amid the pandemic.

Robert Pattinson Positive for Covid-19 Batman Production Halted Again

Many other films have had to change filming locations as well due to growing numbers of infections in certain areas. Films such as “Jurassic World: Dominion,” James Cameron’s “Avatar” sequels, Amazon’s “Lord of the Rings” series, and even the fourth installment of “The Matrix”.

Many other aspects of film plots have had to be rethought as well. Love scenes are now very tricky, Crowd scenes will be impossible, filming on location is unlikely and multiple takes for one scene are too costly.

This devastating news of Pattinson contracting the virus comes soon after Actor Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson told his fans on Instagram this week that he and his family had contracted the virus. “We are counting our blessings right now because we are well aware that it isn’t always the case you get on the other end of covid-19 stronger and healthier,” he said.

It’s unclear exactly what precautions were put in place on set or if cast and crew quarantined for two weeks as per the global standard. Even if the production took all the necessary steps, the positive coronavirus tests illustrate just how fragile things are and will be in the future for the film industry and just how quickly business can be interrupted.