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Shadowrun Trilogy


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Rub elbows with Orcs, elves, and even Trolls in the Shadowrun Trilogy

Head on over to GoG to grab your free copy of Shadowrun Trilogy

A Little About The Games:

Shadowrun: Returns

The unique cyberpunk-meets-fantasy world of Shadowrun has gained a huge cult following since its creation nearly 25 years ago. Now, creator Jordan Weisman returns to the world of Shadowrun, modernizing this classic game setting as a single player, turn-based tactical RPG.

Shadowrun: Hong Kong

HONG KONG. A stable and prosperous port of call in a sea of chaos, warfare, and political turmoil. The Hong Kong Free Enterprise Zone is a land of contradictions – it is one of the most successful centers of business in the Sixth World and home to one of the world’s most dangerous sprawl sites. A land of bright lights, gleaming towers, and restless spirits where life is cheap and everything is for sale.

Shadowrun: Dragonfall – Director’s Cut

Shadowrun: Dragonfall – Director’s Cut is a standalone release of Harebrained Schemes’ critically-acclaimed Dragonfall campaign, which first premiered as a major expansion for Shadowrun Returns. The Director’s Cut adds a host of new content and enhancements to the original game: 5 all-new missions, alternate endings, new music, a redesigned interface, team customization options, a revamped combat system, and more – making it the definitive version of this one-of-a-kind cyberpunk RPG experience.”

Grab your copy HERE.

To get your copy, follow the above provided link, then click Go To Giveaway; a new page will load. On this new page, a banner will be showing the giveaway game. Select “Get it Free” and the giveaway will be added to your account. If you need to create an account, it is completely free.

The Official Trailer For Shadowrun: Returns

The Official Trailer For Shadowrun: Hong Kong – Extended Edition.

The Official Trailer For Shadowrun: Dragonfall Director’s Cut.


Shadowrun: Returns

  • Gripping Tactical Combat
  • Skill-Based Character Progression
  • Engaging 2D/3D Art style

Shadowrun: Hong Kong

  • One of a kind Cyberpunk Setting
  • Command Your Team

Shadowrun: Dragonfall – Director’s Cut

  • A Classic, Story-Driven cRPG
  • A One-of-a-Kind Cyberpunk Setting
  • Command Your Team
  • Gripping, Turn Based Tactical Combat
  • Skill-Based Character Progression