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Valheim Gets Mistlands Update


The new Mistlands update promises a breathtaking new biome and so much more.

Fans have been anticipating this new update for a while and it’s now available on the Valheims test branch. The update will have surprising new features.

The update is only available on Valheims testing branch and hasn’t been officially added to the base game as yet.

The main draw of the new update is of course the misty swamps in which you will have to wonder and fight enemies. More than this though you will acquire new weapons and tools to fight these enemies which include a new boss and bug-like enemies.

The mistlands will be a beautiful misty biome to explore.

The update will also introduce a brand-new magic system. Consuming foods containing Eitr can fuel elemental and blood magic. The ability to cast magic requires magical staves, which means you must dive deeper into cooking and crafting.

New crafting materials will enable you to craft new furniture at your home base. There is also a revamped fishing system with brand-new fish types to catch which should keep it interesting. With the abundance of food and materials, you can also cook new meals and create potions.

There is also an interesting new type of NPC, several unusual crafting stations, and a lot more.

For instance, you will find other dwarf clans that have no desire to kill you. These dwarf clans named the Dvergr and won’t attack you on sight and might even send out a pleasant greeting.

image showing character with Eitr running through his body

Using the above-mentioned EITR, you can imbue yourself with magic power and build a magic staff workbench. You can throw fireballs with one staff, deal with ice blasts with another, and enclose yourself and any nearby allies in a force bubble with another.

You can also summon a loyal skeleton to fight alongside you with a craftable magic skull.

The process of harvesting and refining Eitr is quite involved, as is gathering the materials you’ll need for several new magic-related crafting stations. Without Eitr flowing through your body, your new staff is useless.

These are just some of the new features you will encounter in the new update, we didn’t want to spoil your fun too much by going into too much detail.

A public testing branch of the update is currently available, and it will be fully launched in the game at a later date. You can purchase the game on Steam Early Access, PC Game Pass, and the Microsoft Store.

Official Valheim: Mistlands Gameplay Trailer: (warning spoilers ahead):