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Borderlands: Claptrap’s Robot Revolution Review

We had Zombies, an EMO General, we had our Mad Max moment and now we have a Terminator apocalypse to stop… The fourth DLC for Borderlands.

Please note that this Review will contain spoilers from the Base game

Some key points that this game add on has to offer:

  1. New areas again for us to explore and conquer.
  2. More than 20 new missions have been added for us.
  3. New Achievement and Trophies.
  4. Six new backpack slots can be obtained, 3 per playthrough.
  5. Level cap has been increased by 8 more giving us more damage and more health plus 8 more skill points.
  6. Additional 2 skills points can be obtained from the game, one per playthrough.
  7. New enemies and characters have been added to the DLC.
Now that is one stunning view.


As with previous DLC content this content can be played from where you are currently in the game, or load up a previous playthrough for playthrough specific rewards. Be sure to have reached at least the first level cap before starting this content as it will scale a bit and to ensure success a fresh new character will struggle to make it.

MGR Gaming’s Conclusions:

Remember that ending we had in Borderlands 1? That satellite shocking Claptrap and his eye turning red making us wonder what that was about and what it is for well we finally know…

Into the belly of the beast!

It was later revealed that Hyperion reprogrammed Claptrap via that satellite shock to start a revolution in hopes of killing off the vault hunters. They were unhappy with the Vault Hunters always selling loot instead of buying (not our fault that they sell low tier junk). Knowing better than to test our battle-hardened skills they enacted their Interplanetary Ninja Assassin Claptrap! Claptrap Became self-aware and after witnessing how Claptraps were being treated, he decided against going after the Vault Hunters.

Interplanetary Ninja Assassin Claptrap! Being smarter than Hyperion, led a revolution gathering Claptraps and attacking Hyperion Corporation territories. Over run territories were being integrated with man and robot making new enemies for us to eviscerate.

Hyperion catching on to what they have caused, and the Vault hunters stuck in the middle of this, a Hyperion VP of mercenary relations was tasked with hiring the vault hunters to quell this, and that is where we come in.We have a choice, either take the job (even though we despise Hyperion) or let Claptrap Assimilate all life on Pandora…

Him again!

Most explored areas will have waves of homicidal Claptraps gunning for us, ranged; melee and even kamikaze Claptraps will be found here. As I mentioned Claptrap has been assimilating life on Pandora so be ready to go up against a variety of new enemies that Claptrap has assimilated such as Bandits, Hyperion machines, Skags, Rakks and other Pandorian creatures.

There are several new bosses for us to go up against, new ones and assimilated ones, you are in for a treat. Like with The Borderlands The Zombie Island of Dr. Ned T.K Baha mission of collecting brains for him here we have a whole bunch of new novelty items tied to collection achievements, such as 3D glasses, oil cans and a few other items, and they can all be obtained by killing Claptraps. Your mission should you choose to accept it, Stop the Interplanetary Ninja Assassin Claptrap from assimilating all life on Pandora.

MGR Gaming Score 9

By: MGRza
Date: 2 September 2010

There used to be a lot going on here…

Additional info:

Platforms: PC: Xbox 360: PlayStation 3:
Genre:  RPG: Open World: Action
Tag Line: Run and Gun is back with a terminator feel to it.
Censor Rating:  M
Age Rating:  18
Developer: Gearbox Software
Publisher: 2K
Release Date: 2 September 2010

This one is loaded, beware…

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