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Dungeons 2 – A Game Of Winter Review

The Absolute Evil is about to make its return…

Please note that this Review may contain spoilers from the Base game

Some key points that this game add on has to offer:

  1. Brand new Army, The Undead
  2. New campaign mode.
  3. New Enemy types.
  4. New Subjects and buildings.
  5. Eight new Sandbox mode maps
Barthas Snow
Lead Barthas Snow on a Epic Undead journey.


Dungeons 2 – A Game of Winter adds a new campaign mode to the game and eight new sandbox maps that can be played solo or in multiplayer. It also includes the new Undead army leaving you with plenty to do and uncover.

There always seems to be one of these randomly appearing…

MGR Gaming’s Conclusions:

The previous DLC’s might have been plain Three new mission add ons, but with Dungeons 2 – A Game of Winter they went one step further and brought us a brand-new campaign based loosely on the Game of Thrones Novels. This DLC has full voice acting and each mission is accompanied by narration which adds a whole level of extra humour and enjoyability to the game.

The Absolute Evil
You get to take control of the The Absolute Evil once again.

The new campaign mode is full of new things to discover and enjoy, the new army packs a potent punch and is a great pleasure to play with. The story line has also been written quite beautifully to ensure that it captivates us as we go about doing our Dungeon things…

To keep things simple and spoiler free, I’m simply going to say that if you are a Dungeons fan you will surely enjoy this little DLC, it opens several new doors of fun and joy.

MGR Gaming Score 8

Additional info:

Platforms: PC: Mac: Linux: PlayStation 4
Genre: Strategy: Simulation: RPG
Censor Rating: n/a
Age Rating: n/a
Developer: Realmforge Studios
Publisher: Kalypso Media Digital
Release Date: 15 October 2015

New Bosses and monster types that attack your Dungeon.

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