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Dungeons – The Dark Lord Review

The evil journey continues in Dungeons – The Dark Lord…

Some key points that this game offers:

  1. New Dungeon setting, Crystal Ice Cave.
  2. Four multiplayer modes.
  3. Improved graphics and visuals.
Living, beating Heart!

Gameplay & Controls:

The controls for Dungeons – The Dark Lord did not change much since the originals release. Personally, I find this pleasing, since this is a sequel and not a brand new game. The controls from the original were easy to use with little to no effort whatsoever so with them being the same as before, we can easily get back into the game.

The gameplay is the same as the original, you are in control of a Dungeon Lord who rules over the underground. You cleverly place gimmicks and other items to attract the Hero’s that venture into your dungeon. As they appreciate, loot and plunder your attractions their satisfaction bar fills up and as before, when it is completely full you pounce on them to obtain the maximum amount of Soul Energy.

A sit down…

Your Dungeon Heart is still the main building to protect and from where you purchase your upgrades to increase your Goblin limit and Monster power levels.


The graphics have received slight improvements from the original, however that is not a downside. The game was beautiful to begin with. Each object that you place in your domain as you carve it out, has its own unique look, shape and size that adds flair and value to your Dungeon.

They will require much more to keep me down.

Character design is still just as stunning as before, with clear visual distinctions between enemy Hero’s. Each designed and equipped with unique weapons and armour that befits the class of Hero.

Monster designs retain their same quality standard as before. This goes for the pre-existing enemies along with those that are included in the new Dungeon.

Under the settings panel, we have some options to further customize our game to our liking.

Massive room to wage war!


Just as brilliant as before. We still have all those witty retorts that adds to the humour that the game creates. The single player campaign is fully scripted with voice acting, and to keep it simple, it was performed and implemented beautifully. Each scene is scripted beautifully, and very captivating.

The background sounds add life to your Dungeon, whether it is traps going off, or attacks that are performed by your monsters, the game has it all and it enhances your overall quality.

Bring me an army to slay!

Under the settings panel, we have full volume control.


The game can always be replayed due to the fun and entertaining atmosphere that it offers.

Dungeons – The Dark Lord however received some new multiplayer maps and new multiplayer modes that are online friendly, so the game has a lot to offer here.

It’s not much but it is home.

MGR Gaming’s Conclusions:
Spoilers Ahead:

When it comes down to the numbers Dungeons – The Dark Lord is a very decent sequel to a very fun first game. The new story line continues from the original in the previous game. It was written quite well and it is a pleasure to play out and experience.

The new level does add some new flair to the game which is always nice. The game itself however is still just as fun as the original and that is what matters.

Some relaxing spa treatments.

The new multiplayer modes and ability to play up to four players online will really be a popular add on for the online players and that is quite a convenient add on here. This game is a must have for anyone who enjoyed the original.

Last but not least, I suggest you play the original before playing this one, it deserves a playthrough.

Finally, this game is not Dungeon Keeper or a Dungeon Keeper type of game so do not attempt it and find that it is not the same game, it is something completely different and wonderful nonetheless.

You Vs everyone else!
MGR Gaming Score 8

Additional Info:

Platforms: PC
Genre: Strategy: RPG: Simulation
Censor Rating: Mature: Dark Humour
Age Rating: 16
Developer: Realmforge Studios
Publisher: Kalypso Media Digital
Release Date: 27 September 2011

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