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F.E.A.R. 3 Review

The unending nightmare is back… Fight together, or die alone and horribly! The time has come to face mother dearest…

Some key points that this game offers:

  1. Multiple Endings
  2. Co-op mode
  3. Alternative character option
  4. Scoring system
  5. The Almaverse: Horrific and terrifying beyond measure!
Not very child friendly!

Gameplay & Controls:

The controls have received some improvements from the previous instalment; out with the old and in with the new. Depending on the platform that you are playing on you will have some customization options available to you if you are not comfortable with the current button layout.

F.E.A.R. 3 handles well; the gameplay is fluid and fast paced. Game handling is flawless here, every moment spent in F.E.A.R. 3 is fun and extremely entertaining.

F.E.A.R. 3 puts you back in control of Point Man; long time no play indeed.  You can play the singleplayer campaign solo or with a friend. Playing the singleplayer campaign also gives you the choice of playing as Point Man or Fettel.

Air travel in F.E.A.R is never advised.

Nine months after the events of F.E.A.R. 2 is where we start, with Alma being pregnant and ready to give birth. Imprisoned in Brazil Point man receives help from his dead brother Fettel, together you take down the Armacham forces here and make your way back to Fairport.

From the moment you take control of your chosen character it is an adrenalin paced combat marvel. The enemies are as smart as ever, and more than eager to murder you, if you give them a moment’s notice. You will battle against the best that Armacham has to offer, the insane population of Fairport and the Creep, a monster formed from the cruel memories of Harlan Wake.

The nightmarish road is long and far from over. Lock and load, FEAR is waiting for you.

No one is born a Monster!


As beautiful and visually captivating as can be. This is F.E.A.R after all. Character details have received a major update. You can clearly see the fine details that adorn enemy units, along with the numerous appearance differences that differentiates each of them.

Level design is as impeccable as ever. Plenty of unique details to make each level unique and welcoming. Yeah even in F.E.A.R. the game comes across as warm and welcoming.

The Hallucination scenes are prettier than before, filled with a lot of detail this time, not just a blur here and there. The only let down here is that the previous titles made use of these scenes to enact jump scares. F.E.A.R. 3 does not have a lot of those.

Mech fight!

Battles are beautiful, bullets flying and landing anywhere causing mass mayhem and damage. The view on your post battle scenery looks amazing, each battle is a hard won fight after all.


F.E.A.R. 3’s soundtrack is key part in what makes the game so brilliant. Every level has their own unique sound and music. So, hunting or being hunted never feels alone, the music ensures that. The in game sounds further add new life to each level adding to the scare factor and atmosphere.

Voice over artists did a remarkable job here adding personality to their characters.

They are Action figures!


F.E.A.R. has always been replayable. F.E.A.R. 3 is no different. The new scoring system will allow you to try and beat your previous campaign runs. Finishing a singleplayer level once unlocks the use of Fettel, so a second replay allows you to use the twisted cannibal.

Then there is multiplayer. With multiplayer comes four game modes to try out.

Things are not looking good!

Fucking Run! (see right): in this mode, players must fight their way through waves of enemies, all while running from Alma’s massive “Wall of Death.”

Contractions: a round-based survival mode, where players must barricade and stock up weapons against a total of 20 waves of enemies, including Armacham forces, Cultists, and more.

Sole Survivor: Here, players must fight to survive or hunt. When the game starts, Alma will turn one player into a “Spectre”, a ghost which can possess enemies.

Soul King: The competitive version of Soul Survivor, all of you are Spectres; who shall walk away as King?

Here they come!

MGR Gaming’s Conclusions:
Spoilers Ahead:

F.E.A.R. 3 is by far the best title to date. It improved a lot of the features that we have to love about the franchise. The combat is better, it looks better and it genuinely is a better fight. The story line is bigger and more in-depth than before.

The Co-op campaign is a nice treat here, allowing us to walk through this hell with a friend. The new scoring system brings competitive play to a whole new level. Then there is Fettel, our new operator choice, although he does not use conventional means of fighting, he comes with a whole paranormal bag of goodies that truly changes how you fight in F.E.A.R. 3. There is telekinesis, possession and so much more.

Should she be ghost walking in her condition?

The only downside that F.E.A.R. 3 has, is that it isn’t as scary as it used to be before. The Creep monster was a nice add on to the game though, but F.E.A.R. 3 should have been scarier.

MGR Gaming Score 7

I’d say run, but there is nowhere to run to!

Additional Info:

Platforms: PC: Xbox 360: PlayStation 3
Genre: Horror: FPS: Action: Singleplayer: Shooter: Gore: Psychological Horror: Bullet Time
Censor Rating: Strong Language: Sexual Themes: Partial Nudity: Intense Violence: Blood and Gore
Age Rating: 17+
Developer: Monolith Productions, Inc.
Publisher: Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment
Release Date: 21 June 2011

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