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F.E.A.R. Collection Review

The entire Nightmarish package, all in one bundle!

Please note that this Review may contain spoilers from the Original game

Some key points that this Collection offers:

  1. Slow Motion
  2. Paranormal activities
  3. Very challenging gameplay
  4. Unravel a terrifying mystery
  5. Multiplayer
  6. Enhanced graphics engine
  7. Enhanced enemy Artificial Intelligence
  8. Multiple Endings
  9. Co-op mode
  10. Alternative character option
  11. Scoring system
  12. The Almaverse: Horrific and terrifying beyond measure!
Ready for the kill!


Not one, but all. The F.E.A.R. Collection gives you access to all things F.E.A.R. For those have not experienced the franchise before, here is the perfect opportunity.

Collection Contents:

I can see you!

MGR Gaming’s Conclusions:

For a deeper look into each individual product, I advise you to follow the links I have provided above; they will direct you to each product’s original review.

F.E.A.R. is all but new; it broke new ground when it first released back in 2005. Scary as hell; full of paranormal occurrences and an AI system that was hellbent on killing you at every turn. It just got better and better with every sequel.

Alma ready to bring new life into this world.

The story line unfolded and expanded allowing us a deeper look into the Almaverse.

F.E.A.R. back then was very taxing on our PC’s, it had a massive requirement. One good thing about that is that the game has aged really well. Even today you will be able to look back at the older titles and see how amazing they were back then.

Lo and behold, the thing of Nightmares.

A big trip down nostalgia lane awaits you though. That is part of the journey so enjoy it. If you want to try this franchise out, this package is the best place to start, you get access to everything that the game has to offer.

Give F.E.A.R. the opportunity to take you, it is a ride that you will never forget!

MGR Gaming Score 9

Here at the end of one thing!

Additional Info:

Platforms: PC: Xbox 360: PlayStation 3
Genre: Horror: FPS: Action: Singleplayer: Shooter: Gore: Psychological Horror: Bullet Time
Censor Rating: Strong Language: Sexual Themes: Partial Nudity: Intense Violence: Blood and Gore
Age Rating: 17+
Developer: Monolith Productions, Inc.
Publisher: Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment
Release Date: 12 July 2012

Do not go there!

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