Downright brilliant in its own right!
Please note that this Review may contain spoilers from the Base game
Some key points that this game add on has to offer:
- New Frostland Mechanics
- New Unit
- New City Structures
- Settlement Relations Mechanics
- New Endless Mode Setting
What’s New:
Frostpunk is all about Replay value. Most of the gameplay mechanics are choice-based, which leads to alternative endings depending on the choices you made. These different endings and multitude of choices aren’t just simple yes or no choices, they are deeply story driven that changes the entire gameplay that you are busy on.
Replaying the game mode to experience the alternative choices, completely changes the pace and outcome of your game. On The Edge shares these features as well.
There are different methods to end the campaign on, which is entirely up to you and how you play the game. Once you’ve had your fill of the campaign, you can as before taking things to Endless mode and really test your mettle in this new setting.
MGR Gaming’s Conclusions:
We’ve been patiently waiting for Frostpunk: On The Edge. Played it and I must admit that I have mixed feelings here.
On The Edge is beautiful, it is fun and it’s downright an amazing experience with so many new mechanics and features that it totally blows your expectations away.
However, all these new mechanics don’t build up from where The Last Autumn left off. They kind of take the game in a new direction. It is here where the essence of what Frostpunk is all about, gets lost somewhat.
Don’t get me wrong, this DLC is worth it, you will experience a brilliant story line. Explore a new Frostland full of new locations; leading to resources, or your demise… That is not all, there are also other settlements that you can make contact with via the new administrative building. You set up a trading depot where you can trade with other communities and help them grow as your own settlement grows. Each of these settlements has their own way of life, their own version of how they survived The Great Storm. You can respect their ways and build trust between yourselves, or force your ways down upon them. All of this has an impact on the game and its outcome.
There are numerous other mechanics that add to these new features to build and expand upon these new features. The more you help these settlements, the stronger they get, and in return, the more resources they pay you to help your own community thrive and survive.
That is where the biggest issue lies for me. It takes away from the difficult challenge that Frostpunk has to offer and change the game into a waiting game where you literally wait out for shipments to transfer to and from these settlements.
On The Edge should have released alongside the other DLC’s so that it could have been an alternative way to play the game. Whereas On The Edge is the final DLC for Frostpunk, and as much fun and memorable as this DLC is, it didn’t offer the farewell I was hoping for in Frostpunk.
The Official trailer for Frostpunk: On The Edge.