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The Elder Scrolls Online Thieves Guild Review

Why work for riches when you can thief them…

Please note that this Review may contain spoilers from the Base game

Some key points that this game add on has to offer:

  1. New Quest line
  2. New Skills
  3. New Region
  4. New Weapons and Gear
That one must of taken a few days to carve!


The Thieves guild quest DLC does not just add a new main quest line, it also offers daily missions that can be undertaken. A new Trial also accompanies this DLC.

What loot will he drop?

The biggest replay value here is the thieving, you can launder items you wish to keep and sell the rest, making massive profits.

MGR Gaming’s Conclusions:

We are no strangers to this organization. They have always been beneficial to us in one way or the other! The Thieves guild is situated in Hew’s bane, a new Zone available to us.

New adventures await!

Shortly after joining up with them, we realize that the guild is a shadow of its former self, and that it is under constant attack from a mysterious mercenary force. We will start at the bottom and thieve our way to the top!

Hew’s bane offers a marvellous city to explore and rob blind. This Zone is home to other explorable areas as well; Delve’s and World Bosses too. The Thieves guild quest line is rather interesting and very fun to experience. The daily quests add further value to the thieving mechanics that the Thieves Guild offers. Become a master thief with unique mechanics that compliments a thief!

Everything will be ours…

There is a lot of beauty and fun waiting on you here!

MGR Gaming Score 8

Additional Info:

Platforms: PC: Mac: PlayStation 4: Xbox One
Genre: MMORPG: RPG: Open World: Multiplayer: Massively Multiplayer: Fantasy: The Elder Scrolls
Censor Rating: Mature
Age Rating: 18
Developer: Zenimax Online Studios
Publisher: Bethesda Softworks
Release Date: 7 March 2016

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