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Tom Clancy’s The Division™ – Survival Review

The ultimate Survival test awaits you, Agent!

Please note that this Review may contain spoilers from the Base game

Some key points that this game add on has to offer:

  1. New Game Mode
  2. New Enemy Type
  3. New Game Mechanics
  4. PvE/ PvP Modes
Here we go!


The fun here never ends! Whether you are playing PvE/ PvP there are plenty of reasons to go back and run it again! Beat your score, hunt down more hunters, or go rogue and kill other agents!

Almost there…

This DLC is score based as well, so replaying to improve your score is another great reason to replay this beauty.

MGR Gaming’s Conclusions:

If you are enjoying The Division and you have a taste for survival games, then this one is going to blow you away!

They are waiting for you!

Enroute to pick up anti-virals in the middle of a snowstorm, your helicopter crashes. With your gear lost, your hazmat suit torn, you are infected and stranded. Scavenge, hunt, and craft to survive! You will need to find medicine to keep the infection at bay all the while keeping yourself fed and nourished.

You start out with just your pistol. You will need to retrieve the anti-virals that lie inside the Dark Zone and then call for an extraction. Going out in the snowstorm will induce hypothermia, to combat this you will need to craft and scavenge for warm clothes.

The easy part is done…

This DLC completely reworks the game mechanics to ensure that you have a realistic survival experience. The mission is clear and the game mode is tons of fun!

MGR Gaming Score 8

By: MGRza
Date: 25 November 2016

Additional Info:

Platforms: PC: Xbox One: PlayStation 4
Genre: Action: Adventure: RPG: Violent: Survival
Censor Rating: Blood: Intense Violence: Strong Language
Age Rating: 17
Developer: Massive Entertainment
Publisher: Ubisoft
Release Date: 22 November 2016

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