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Remnant 2: Portal Inertia Event Guide (Reprocessed Heart)

Remnant 2: How To Get The Zealot Armor

This one can easily be missed…

Obtained by completing the Portal Inertia Event at The Labyrinth.

Portal Inertia is a featured Event within Remnant 2. Serving as a portal puzzle, it unfolds within The Labyrinth. Events in Remnant 2 present opportunities for players to acquire unique items such as weapons or consumables by solving puzzles or discovering secret areas. The occurrence of these events is not guaranteed in every playthrough, necessitating a restart or an adventure mode play to increase the chance of encountering them. Each event is tied to specific locations within the game.

Take the path to the bottom left of the large portal in the center from Fractured Ingress.

Get to a portal in The Labyrinth that swaps destinations and wait until the portal is pointing down to another portal below.

You must time it correctly and aim for the edge of the next portal as the fall takes a while, or you will miss or hit the edge and die.

If you aim correctly, you will pass through the second portal while maintaining your inertia to reach a floating rock containing the Reprocessed Heart.