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Cango Wildlife Ranch Livestream A Great Success


As per our article last week, the Live stream weekend to raise funds for all the animals being taken care of by the Cango Wildlife Ranch happened this past weekend.

The Cango Wildlife Ranch is a conservation facility in Oudtshoorn, South Africa. It is over 30 years old and specializes in breeding endangered species to improve genetic diversity and conservation education of the public.

They are CITES registered and one of only two facilities on the whole continent of Africa to be both accredited by the Pan-African Association of Zoos & Aquaria (PAAZA) and members of the World Association of Zoos and Aquariums (WAZA).

They have over 4000 individual animals and over 90 species and it costs approximately R2 million per month to run the facility, since the start of the Lockdown, the running costs have increased.

Thanks to the streamers and other fundraisers and donors, they have so far raised enough to last for another 2 months to hopefully beat out lockdown! But animals don’t stop eating and donations are always welcome as no one knows how long lockdown will last!

We are so happy to announce that they hit their target of R50 000 and beyond, hitting over R93 000 on the 25th, and by midday on the 26th they had reached R100 000, they ended at R105 000.

Not only were there live streams from CWR themselves, but gamers got in on the action too.

For instance, PaulsLey building an entire Zoo on the game Planet Zoo from scratch and adding every animal in the game in 4 hours. This live stream was viewed by more than 4.963 people from around the world.

Cango Wildlife Ranch themselves did numerous live streams throughout the weekend, showcasing this beautiful facility in all its splendor. We took virtual tours through this magnificent facility, meeting the various animals and even seeing some cheetahs playing with their handlers for their daily exercise.

All in all, there were 40 participating streamers from all over the world including the US, Germany, UK, Bulgaria and even an expat living in Malaysia.

The streams included games, music, art and photography on platforms such as Twitch, Mixer. YouTube and Facebook.

In a statement to MGR Gaming Garrett Eriksen (organizer of the CWR Streaming event) said:

“We are beyond grateful that this wonderful community of streamers came together to help us in our time of need and thanks to them, we’ll be able to keep our doors open and our happy animal family together just a little bit longer!”

If you would like to donate to this very worthy cause the donation link is as follows: .