In a desperate grasp to save the name of Cyberpunk 2077, modders jump on board.
Nearly a year after the very anticlimactic release of the highly anticipated title, Cyberpunk 2077. CD Projekt Red has taken on a small group of modders from Redscript and Wolvenkit, both of which are popular modding tools for Cyberpunk 2077 and The Witcher 3, in order to hopefully save the game from what became a turbulent downfall from what Cyberpunk 2077 was meant to be.

With the official announcement being made by Traderain on the Cyberpunk 2077 Modding Community Discord, the quartet will be joining CD Projekt Red under the company, Yigsoft, which was co-founded by Nightmarea (Köte Ákos) and Traderain (Hambalkó Bence) themselves.
With the team being hired by CDPR, it is unclear on what will become of Redscript and Wolvenkit but we’re assuming there will be replacements, or at least that’s what we’re hoping for.
It seems as though August has been quite the month for CDPR, what with hiring the team of modders and the leaving of Paweł Kapała earlier this month, who was the key combat designer for Cyberpunk 2077, to take on the new project of being the combat designer and implementer for the upcoming Fable title.
Although there isn’t much more available regarding this news, we all know how much of a let-down Cyberpunk 2077 was after the way overhyped build-up to its initial release.

Some did report that they actually had very few issues at all with the game (check out the review done by MGRza himself for his take on it), however, the majority had somewhat endless problems with bugs, crashing, scripting issues & disruptions, low resolutions & dropped framerates, reloading a saved game that doesn’t actually reload the correct save point, below average graphics at certain points, audio interruptions and honestly, that’s only but a shortened list of the reported issues.
Given, there have been numerous patch works done which have slightly improved some of these issues, but it really just hasn’t been enough to get this game up to the hyped standard that it’s meant to be on.
This is what led CD Projekt Red to go to the measures that they have by hiring the team of modders. If you have a fan base that truly stands behind you, then sometimes it’s those very people that are able to help you where there were some slips.
It definitely hit CDPR hard when the uproar began, the demands for immediate improvements and even outright wanting refunds while still keeping the game, but with the new changes that have been brought about there seems to be some light at the end of the tunnel.

There’s been another recent update which launched on the 18th of August which supposedly fixed up quite a few issues, you can check out the list for yourself of what was meant to be done if you haven’t already tested Patch 1.3.
How long will the wait be for the hopefully much-improved title? We aren’t quite sure just yet, but frankly, if it’s going to be the start of giving us the game that was initially promised, then, by all means, take a bit of time with it.