Are you looking for an adventure, or in this case what do you say to a forced adventure? Crash landed on a remote mysterious island…
Some key points that this game offers:
- A very unique RPG system with its own experience levels that is tied to character development with numerous skills to choose on how to improve them or cater them to what you need them to do, all running in the background on its own as you play the game.
- Crafting system, to improve and expand your means of survival on the island.
- The game is a management system, you set tasks for your survivors and once set you click to proceed to the next phase.
- A very intricate relationship is building between the characters, some work well together, some do not at all.
- Hunger, Fatigue, Sickness…. These are some of the aspects you need to manage in the game; or your survivors can die from them.
- The game itself isn’t too difficult to play or learn, but making the right choices on what to do is difficult, it really works keeping your entire roster alive.
- A mysterious island story to uncover.
Gameplay & Controls:
As I mentioned, the gameplay is based on a management system, you assign a task to each of your survivors and when they are all assigned you click next to move on to the next part of the day, each day consists of two phases, of which you can assign your survivors to tasks that need to be completed, at the end of the day, they camp and it is feeding time where you have to feed your survivors. Most of the game is played with the mouse, you click and drag your survivors to where you need them and once settled you click next, the same goes for using items and making choices, they can all be done with the mouse.
The graphics for the most part of the game are static, there is a beautiful background image for each screen in the game you visit, depending on the time of day, morning afternoon, or evening, the background adapts to give a more realistic view in terms of surroundings. The artwork behind the backgrounds are very detailed and colourful adding a very nice image and atmosphere to the island.
There are sounds that accompany all your actions, when a monster strikes there is a sound of the attack, when survivors bond positively or negatively a sound accompanies the heart breaks or the improvements. Almost all of the clickable aspects of the game have their own sound reactions, music in the game is a rather peaceful melody that adds to the island atmosphere, it changes when there are mysterious elements to blend with the changed atmosphere.
There are different endings to obtain achievement wise in the game, so if you are a hunter, you will have that to look forward to , even if you aren’t an achievement hunter exploring the different endings is fun and interesting to see or obtain so yes the game has replayability, whether you go for the endings or see how many you can make or how few, the game will offer that challenge.
MGR Gaming’s Conclusions:
Spoilers Ahead:
The game is a survival management game: You crash on a mysterious island with a bunch of survivors that you have to keep alive, each of your survivors has their own set of skills that they are good at, you assign them all daily tasks in what is required to keep them alive and healthy whilst you explore the island to find a way off. The game has a crafting system, but it is more story based than open choice, you craft items so that they can have a wider range or means of survival such as beds to sleep in to help with depression, a fishing rod to help catch fish for food, an axe to help with chopping wood which is required to keep your fire alive, letting it die is never a option.
As your survivors complete their tasks or work on their tasks gaining experience and when enough is gathered they level up, which can be used to enhance their skills so that they can be better at what they do or you can invest in a secondary skill if you need them to swap between the tasks you need them to complete. Each character also has four traits that can be unlocked which has a positive or negative impact on them. Each character has a detailed overview of what they can do and options to invest in to improve them, the overview comes with extra screens for you to look into your survivor along with a short bio of who and what they are.
You assign survivors to the jungle to explore the jungle, the better they get at it the larger the exploring section goes in phase, as they finish exploring a patch you can send a survivor there where you can either find a hunting or fishing spot. Sometimes you will meet a mysterious stranger to the island that won’t communicate until you have met a previous stranger that sends you to them, other times there is loot that you can obtain once a skill check has been passed, if you fail a monster attacks your survivor and they take damage, if they pass they get the loot with no damage, every action costs fatigue.
You might also wonder upon strange sites and artifacts which you can interact with which can decrease negative stats on your survivor or apply them, as each day is over the survivors meet around the campfire after you have finished your second phase of the day, you see them gathered around the campfire then a conversation between two of them will start up and depending on the two they might improve their friendship or further break it down, then you go on to the feeding screen, and you can see the current status’s of your survivors, their fatigue, depressions, hunger, health and so on. There is a means to decrease each of those to keep them alive, some can be obtained while exploring the island, others from objects or artifacts you interact with or from structures you craft.
Additional Info:
Platforms: PC: Xbox 360: PlayStation 3:
Genre: Simulations: Survival: Strategy: Indie
Censor Rating: n/a
Age Rating: n/a
Developer: CCCP
Publisher: Playdius, Plug In Digital
Release Date: 27 August 2015
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