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Dungeon Siege II Review

A new evil is plaguing the Land of Ehb, and it is up to us to put a stop to it and return peace to the kingdom.

Some key points that this game offers:

  1. Improved visuals.
  2. Massive open world.
  3. Loads of side quests.
  4. Stunning story line.
Now who is hiding in there…

Gameplay & Controls:

The controls for the game have been updated since the original’s release. There is new game mechanics present in the game along with other new features that should accompany a sequel.

However, the game runs just as smooth, fun and relaxed as the original. The game is still played with the mouse and keyboard, the keyboard being mainly used for shortcuts to make things much easier and more enjoyable.

The gameplay shares all of the fun and enjoyable aspects that the original had, they took all of that, and added so much more to it. They improved and updated the general UI, character movement and companion behaviour to make things easier and more manageable in and out of combat.

Epic fights await…

Just like the original we are called to battle to help put an end to this war and chaos that is plaguing this kingdom, we do this by choosing from one of four races, Human, Dryad, Elf and Half-Giants.

Once you choose your race and have customized them to your liking you start your journey towards becoming a Hero…


The visuals for the game have been greatly improved since the originals release. Character models have been updated giving us a more visually appealing experience. There are numerous characters that you will run into, some NPC’s, others enemies, and then possible companions, all were given the same treatment to ensure that the characters look as beautiful as possible, unique in presentation and behaviour.

Now that is a big Ruby!

Landscapes and explorable areas all received the same treatment once more, the world is bigger with much more to see and do this time around, everything that can be seen has been improved in detail to offer us the best possible experience each time we enter a new area. From small hills to massive cave systems, they were all beautifully crafted.

Cutscenes are beautifully done, vibrant and very captivating. Under the hood we have several options to customize our experience.

A variety of enemies await.


The original game’s sound really hyped up the atmosphere and intensity of the overall gameplay, the sequel is no different, well to be frank, it is so much better.

Character voice overs are brilliantly done, allowing each character to come across as more real and lifelike than before. As you travel to the various regions your companions will initiate vocal conversations with you, which is something new and fun to experience.

Massive Boss Fights…

The wide variety of background sounds brings life to the game world making your exploration so much more fun and vibrant. The music itself once more builds the atmosphere and enhances the overall quality of your game experience.


Just like the original, Dungeon Siege II offers multiplayer so that you can take things online with some mates.

Ghosts man!

Dungeon Siege II offers quite a bit of replay value, it has a New Game + mode, once you complete the game you can start it again on a higher difficulty which offers more rewards for you and your companions.

MGR Gaming’s Conclusions:
Spoilers Ahead:

Dungeon Siege II is through and through a massive improvement since the sequel. They took everything that made the original a success and added to that recipe, ensuring that everything we loved from the original is present in the sequel, but accompanied by tons of new mechanics.

Sword and Shield!

The story line is just as brilliant as before, with the main quest line comes a wide variety of side quests that will keep you busy for hours, sending you all over the place, to experience the numerous new enemy types, the beautiful forests, caverns and other created settings.

Gas Powered Games went above and beyond to ensure that they meet every expectation that is required for a successful sequel.

There is so much more that I can note here, but it is best experienced by playing the game yourself.

Think it’s safe to step here?
MGR Gaming Score 7

By: MGRza
Date: 23 August 2005

Additional Info:

Platforms: PC: Mac
Genre: RPG: ARPG: Fantasy
Censor Rating: n/a
Age Rating: n/a
Developer: Gas Powered Games
Publisher: Square Enix
Release Date: 16 August 2005

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