This is a Dungeon tale; featuring a vicious betrayal, and o so sweet revenge…
Some key points that this game offers:
- Sandbox mode; free reign to build and customize your dungeon to your hearts content.
- Dark theme with a smooth touch of Dark humour….
- RPG elements: Earn attribute and skill points to power up your Dungeon Lord.
- Goblin workers, command a small horde of Goblins to do your bidding.
- Strategy and tactical elements.
- Tons of fun…
Gameplay & Controls:
The game can be played entirely with the mouse, using the Left and Right mouse buttons, moving the mouse moves the screen, the keyboard has a variety of shortcuts to make use of to play with.
To avoid possible spoilers here I will stick to a brief description; to get to the top which in this case is the bottom, you will need to outsmart your opponents in clever dungeon designs.

As Hero’s venture into your dungeon to plunder you of your riches you fatten them up by allowing them to plunder you of these said riches such as gold, armour and gear and as there filthy pockets get filled to the brim you start pounding on them collecting the maximum amount of Soul Energy, a currency that is used to purchase gimmicks; these items are built and placed throughout your dungeon and they not only serve as the means of making your dungeon look COOL, but also act as points of interest for would be hero’s which adds to the fattening up process…
There is a nice little strategic element to all of this along with a dash of tactical thinking, placing these gimmicks in the right areas to lure Hero’s closer makes things go smoother, once they are lured in they can explore said areas to find gold, gear and other items needed for the fattening up process, and once that has been done, you can pound on them, either by letting the Dungeon Lord himself do it, or one of the many monster types that you get to build to protect your vast resources.

The game looks simply gorgeous; given the type of game Realmforge Studios did an amazing job here, each level is unique in its own right, beautifully drawn with a lot of attention to detail invested. The various themes for the levels have been beautifully implemented to give you that perfect dark look, feel and vibe.
If you couple that with the gorgeous objects that you can buy to customize your dungeon, you have a potent combination, each item is again beautifully drawn with a lot of attention to detail invested giving them each a unique and beautiful appearance, the animations that some of these objects offer is another neat addition to the overall visuals to the game.

The monsters that you can build along with the Hero’s that venture into your dungeon, have all received the same amount of love and affection, each creature and Hero type looks simply amazing, unique in appearance, and performance. Each of them has their own attack and behaviour methods, which can clearly be distinguished from others.
Under the hood several settings are present that allows us to customize our game to our liking.
Absolutely stunning, the witty retorts, the dark comedy and humour, it is simply marvelous… The voice acting was done brilliantly, from the Hero’s right through to your Bosses’, all of which has been done gorgeously, a verbal masterpiece.

The in game sounds add to the liveliness of the game, along with the battle sounds and creature noises, it all adds to the vibe that the game creates, if you take all of that and combine it with the music elements of the game you have the perfect setting for any Dungeon Lord.

The combination of sounds and music here goes beautifully together.
The game has quite a bit of replay value in it; each mission can be replayed numerous times if you wish.
Each level has a set of challenges that you can complete, completing said challenges either rewards you with skill and attribute points which can be used to strengthen your Dungeon Lord, or scrolls, powerful once off magic skills that can help you on your journey downwards…

The game also has a few game modes, so you can test your abilities to see just how good a Dungeon Lord you are.
On the other hand, once you are truly done with Campaign mode, you can go to the Custom Game where there are several modes to choose from along with many maps that exist for you.
MGR Gaming’s Conclusions:
Spoilers ahead:
Dungeons: Steam Special is a game like few, looking at it we will quickly see some form of Dungeon Keeper; however, this is not it, and I urge you not to compare the two, treat Dungeons like a game on its own.
To start things off I’d say that this game deserves a try, if you enjoyed Overlord, or Dungeon Keeper in this case you are in for fun times. Dungeons: Steam Special is vastly different but amazing in its own right. The strategic elements that the game requires takes getting used to but it isn’t difficult to learn, the learning curve is fun and easy making it rather simple to get right into things.

The tactical bits I mentioned aren’t that major but rather a form of placing monsters in the right hall or curve makes the world of difference, but each gamer has their own style of play so it is up to you on how you will manage your Dungeon.
The story behind the game is quite unique and to the point, keeping things simple and clear, take revenge on your ex- girlfriend for betraying you and kicking you out of your own Dungeon. Starting at the top you have to work your way down again to claim your rightful place again at the bottom.
As I mentioned each level has a set of challenges that can be completed, giving you some nifty rewards, the major ones being attribute and skill points. Various skills and spells can be obtained by unlocking them, giving you access to powerful magic or passive abilities that makes you an even greater Dungeon Lord.

All in all, this is a fresh take on Dungeon management, something every fan should try out.

By: MGRza
Date: 16 February 2011
Additional Info:
Platforms: PC
Genre: Strategy: RPG: Fantasy
Censor Rating: Mature
Age Rating: 13
Developer: Realmforge Studios
Publisher: Kalypso Media Digital
Release Date: 10 February 2011
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