There really is no end to this nightmare!
Some key points that this game offers:
- All-new enemies
- Unravel a terrifying mystery
- Multiplayer
- Enhanced graphics engine
- Enhanced enemy Artificial Intelligence
Gameplay & Controls:
As far as FPS games go, it boils down to what your preference is. On console you only have the controller as an option. Having played F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin on Xbox 360, I can say that the controller handling is pretty much as perfect as can be. The game plays and handles comfortably with the controller. On PC you make use of the keyboard and mouse. There are rumours that certain software and specific controllers can be used to play the game that way. There are some remapping options for the keyboard, so you can customize your button layout.
F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin takes place just before the end of the original F.E.A.R. game. You are part of a Delta Force team, sent in to the ATC president into protective custody. Shortly after arriving at the pick up location, black op members from the ATC attacks the location on orders from the ATC board of directors. There is mayhem, chaos and non-stop action heading your way! The story gets a lot more mysterious, and I mean a lot.
Alma is still playing her games, they just got a lot deadlier, as she actively hunts you and your team, killing you off one by one…
The enemy AI is even deadlier than before, they actively find better methods to pin you down so that the other half of the squad can flank and kill you. There are a variety of world items that can be interacted with to help aid you; such as creating instant cover for example.
The graphics engine has been enhanced to bring us next gen visuals. The environment is a lot prettier than before. Everything doesn’t just come across as dark with lights on here and there.
The night time is actually alive, it is not just darkness, you can look up at the sky and see the sky as it should be. Shadows and lightning effects in the original were amazing; this time around they are event greater, by far! The lights and shadows cast with much greater effect, creating a much more appealing atmosphere.
Character models have received a pretty upgrade as well. More details mean more to look at, and to shoot at! Cinematics are brighter and more cinema like giving you a much better view as you see how events unfold!
There is a new eerie and realistic feel to the hallucination events as well.
Simply the best! Just like before, the sounds add to the atmosphere and creep factor of the game! The background sounds give life to each level, all the small and simple noises combined brings the level to life; the fact that paranormal horrors await you just adds to the thrill.
Voice over actors did a great job with every character, each have a personality and appearance of their own. The soundtrack for the game sets it apart; we have a paranormal horror after all. The combination of the music does add to the overall gameplay, and it surely enhances it tenfold.
F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin offers an Award system that requires you to complete specific actions during the singleplayer campaign and multiplayer mode. The singleplayer campaign can be played on several difficulties and with the new AI you can really test your skills out.
Then there is multiplayer mode for those that want to take things online.
MGR Gaming’s Conclusions:
Spoilers ahead:
F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin is a marvelous sequel. The updated HUD is a nice add on to the game, giving you a more soldier feel to the game. The story line is beautifully done, Alma is still at it, a heart full of hatred and hell bent on revenge. The story is a lot more mysterious than before; it involves your character directly, and adding to the creep level here; Alma is personally after you, so prepare yourself for Hell!
The gameplay itself is fast paced action with martial arts melee combat. The updated AI will kick your ass, so stay tuned to be schooled. There is a whole new variety of mystery and paranormal horror heading your way. F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin will give you new levels of FEAR. Allow it to do just that, and enjoy the ride of your life.
According to the developers though, it takes place right after and during the events of the original F.E.A.R. and the two expansions for the original are not included, so they are considered to not be cannon material.
Name Your FEAR!
By: MGRza
Date: 16 February 2009
Additional info:
Platforms: PC: PlayStation 3: Xbox 360
Genre: Horror: FPS: Action: Singleplayer: Shooter: Gore: Psychological Horror: Bullet Time
Censor Rating: Strong Language: Sexual Themes: Partial Nudity: Intense Violence: Blood and Gore
Age Rating: 17+
Developer: Monolith Productions, Inc.
Publisher: Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment
Release Date: 12 February 2009
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