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F.E.A.R. Review

Terror will take you; just accept that!

Some key points that this game offers:

  1. Brilliant AI mechanics
  2. Slow Motion
  3. Paranormal activities
  4. Very challenging gameplay
They look like a fun bunch…

Gameplay & Controls:

The game is played either by keyboard and mouse, or with a controller; the choice comes down to the player and platform. Whether you play on console or PC you will receive the same brilliant experience. Game handling is smooth and very precisely done.

Can’t go making it too easy!

You are part of F.E.A.R., First Encounter Assault Recon that specializes in all things paranormal. Things are going to get weird, very weird and unnerving indeed. A paramilitary force has attacked and infiltrated an aerospace compound, taking hostages and killing everyone else. There has been no demands or word from them.

The government decided to send in a team of Special Forces to assess the situation, but they were killed instantly under very odd circumstances that cannot be rationally explained. With no other available option, F.E.A.R. is tasked to evaluate the situation and eliminate the threat at any cost.

This is where you come in, a new member, recently transferred to F.E.A.R.

Die already!


Incredible! The bullet dynamics and damage are very realistic. The detail of the levels is all beautifully created. The lighting and shadow quality for the game is impeccable. It adds a layer of realism and beauty to the whole game.

They won’t know what hit them.

Character models may not vary in quality, but the few that there is have all received their own share of quality treatment to ensure that every element of the game is picture perfect. Under the settings there are a wide variety of settings to customize your game, and trust me this monster is going to test your machines capabilities.


Thrilling, amazing and downright scary… Take your pick. The background sounds add life and horror to the levels. Between the gun fights and level exploration there will be a variety of eerie sounds that never bodes well! It might be static sounds, a child’s laughter… or Alma herself, you simply never know… You just Fear what might be around that corner.

Helicopter rides aren’t what they used to be!

Under the settings panel you have full volume control to customize how the sounds modify your heart rate.


F.E.A.R. has a number of different difficulties to play, you can really test your skills out on higher difficulties.

You won’t like it when i get angry!

For those that enjoy multiplayer, F.E.A.R. offers you just that, take things online with your friends and teach them the meaning of fear.

MGR Gaming’s Conclusions:
Spoilers ahead:

F.E.A.R. is through and through a masterpiece on its own. It incorporates a brilliant enemy AI system that will test your skills just as much as it will test your resolve. These soldiers act and adapt to each situation to constantly test you, they aren’t just programmed to offer resistance, they are actively trying to kill you. If you play F.E.A.R. on a higher difficulty it will give you a better understanding of what I’m trying to say here.

Now who is this?

They will flank you; they will pin you down, and unless you can take a stand and take control of the situation, you will be killed, over and over again! This is F.E.A.R. and there is no time for fear. Fight to live and then kill or be killed. You cannot appreciate the marvel of this AI unless you experience it for yourself. What this game offers is way ahead of the curve!

The SloMo feature really does help a lot, and in more instances than I can count it has saved my life and helped me come out on top. This is a brilliant little feature that they added to the game, not only to make things a little bit easier, but it adds its own beauty and creative look to the game.

Slow Motion!

The story line; there is so much to say, the strange noises, the visions, the scary girl in a red dress… These mysterious soldiers, how does it all tie in? There is a brilliant story to it all, be sure to give F.E.A.R. a playthrough and you will experience this brilliant story for yourself.

MGR Gaming Score 9

By: MGRza
Date:  25 October 2005

Additional info:

Platforms: PC: PlayStation 3: Xbox 360
Genre: FPS: Horror: Bullet Time: Psychological Horror: Shooter
Censor Rating: Violence
Age Rating: 18
Developer: Monolith Productions: Inc.: Timegate
Publisher: Warner Bros: Interactive Entertainment
Release Date: 17 October 2005

Nothing beats blowing it all up!

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