The best of both Worlds, Tower Defense and Zombies….
Some key points that this game offers:
- 12 Different Towers that you can unlock and buy to help you against the horde, each tower is fully upgradable.
- Normal, Hard and Nightmare difficulties to really put your skills to the test.
- Eight different Heroes that you can unlock and buy to help you with your defense.
- More than 140 levels to put your skills to the test.
- Monster Tome that collects Monster data on each defeated Monster.
- Endless mode that is tied to Leaderboards.
Gameplay & Controls:
The controls for the game are fairly simple, we use the mouse to move and place towers on tower points. The mouse with the left and right buttons is also used to move your Hero.
The keyboard has some shortcut buttons to make it more convenient when placing towers or moving the screen up and down. The mouse wheel can be used to scroll in and out giving you a better view of the battlefield. The gameplay is Tower Defense so we have exit zones we need to defend in a lane based style. Some levels have more lanes and spawn points than others. Unlike most Tower Defense games with this one we can have a Hero accompany us on our levels.
The game detail is very decently done, we have a beautiful environment that’s alive in the sense where you can see the bushes and trees move as the wind blows.
A lot of extra structures and objects have been added to give each level a beautiful and unique look, from buildings to massive stones and boulders. Each level has its own beauty; to avoid spoilers here I won’t mention later levels. In the menu side of things, we have the means to choose from Low detail all the way to Ultra detail, depending on what your machine can handle.
There is very relaxing, even soothing background music accompanying the gameplay and as things get busy the music and background music changes.
The in game sounds really enhance the game making the environment feel alive. Each Tower has its own unique sound when firing, as do our Heroes, they all have their own voices. In the menu side of things, we can control the volume of the music and in game sounds.
It’s a Tower Defense game so replaying levels is a given. In last Hope we have various towers that each have their own upgrades, so farming research points for those upgrades happens by replaying levels.
The game has three different difficulty modes so trying your luck at higher levels or just unlocking the harder tier stars will require replays, so all in all you are in for a blast of your own making.
MGR Gaming’s Conclusions:
Spoilers Ahead:
The game starts with the princess of the Indian tribe as your first Hero to help defend against the Zombies. We then follow a simple story to first save the village and protect its people and as we progress through the game the story unfolds as she tries to find out what caused it and where the Zombies are coming from. The story line might not be something majorly in depth, but it’s still a nice add on to this Tower Defense, all the little extras they have added to the game really makes it much better.
Our Heroes can level up making them stronger, with each level we unlock skill points to further enhance our Heroes, and each Hero has their own equipment section which can be upgraded with research points when the prerequisites have been met.
We have god like power skills to use when things get really tough to even the score or to just buy a few seconds. The game really is a fun experience whether you want to beat the games levels on the hardest modes or just want to play casually, it suits everyone, the game also has endless mode where you can test your skills to see how long you can survive, this mode is connected to the Steam Leaderboards.
Additional Info:
Platforms: PC: Mac: Linux: Android
Genre: Tower Defense: Zombies: Strategy
Censor Rating: n/a
Age Rating: n/a
Developer: JE Software
Publisher: JE Software
Release Date: 13 April 2016
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