Overlording awaits sire… The fields are planted; peasants are cowering in fear, all in anticipation of your arrival…
Some key points that this game offers:
- Dark humour
- RPG like no other…
- Hordes of minions at your disposal.
- Magic, mayhem and chaos.
- A Tale of revenge, justice and general enemy bashing.

Gameplay & Controls:
The controls are quite simple, you can use a controller or your keyboard and mouse, the game however offers only partial controller support for the PC version. The keyboard and mouse are both used for gameplay with the mouse acting as your eyes, pointing in the way you want to look and go. The LFM used to send your minions out, and the RMB to call them back, holding both of them down you sweep your minions in the direction you want them to go. The mouse wheel can be used to scroll through your different minion types, and the numbers above the alphabetical keys.
The WSAD keys are used for movement with SPACE being the action/ attack key, Left Shift acts as your target selector and then we have Q to set waypoints and E to cast spells. With the configuration tool for the PC version you can remap the keyboard controls as well as the controller ones should you wish to.

On to the gameplay, it’s not your typical ARPG, here we control an Overlord who has dominion over four minion types. Using their powers and abilities to fulfil your desires you set out on a quest for vengeance, control and dominion over every other race. you can play the game being neutral or all out evil, killing everything in sight, your appearance and power changes depending on your choice here.
The game is fairly open world but more places unlock as the story progresses, certain areas are locked or unreachable until later in game or until certain requirements have been met. By certain requirements I mean that you either do not possess the right minions yet or lack the number of minions.

As you play you will come across missing items that your minions can pick up and take back to your castle, items such as Health upgrades, Minion upgrades which increase your maximum horde size along with a few other goodies. The game offers a multiplayer mode as well, co-op survival and then versus mode, both these modes you can either create or host an online game open to anyone, or create and host a private game, last but not least create a LAN game for you and your mates. Furthermore, the game offers a split screen function, so there is plenty to do in the multiplayer section.
At the time that this game was initially released it looked beautiful and was amazing, but given the age and how it aged, the game is still visually appealing after all these years. A lot of detail went into the art, style and looks of the individual characters, be they friendly NPC or the monster and enemies you fight against, every enemy type has a detailed look and style to them.

Landscapes, areas and buildings be they broken or standing all have their very own look and feel to them. Spree being an open small village area that looks sunny and friendly with a very warm welcome look at least until you get there, whereas Everlight has a dark and very musty feel to it given the reason behind it. Every area was carefully designed to compliment and accompany the games story and outcome. On the settings side of things, the configuration tool can be used to set the resolution of the game to a few different settings along with the option to set the world detail from custom/low to high.
The game has amazing background music and sounds playing as you go about Overlording. Each area or part you visit has their own theme or initial welcoming music playing, carefully accompanying the gameplay, yet truly enhancing the overall gameplay. We have gnarl with his own voice who acts as teacher, helping you become the best Overlord there ever was, whilst explaining certain functions and elaborating on needed information as the game goes on.

Most NPC’s have programmed phrases they will mention as you approach or pass them by, unless you decide to kill them all that is. The minions have a variety of sounds they make, be it singing or generally laughing or drinking up until you start bashing on enemies. On the options side of things, we can set the volume for Speech, music and background sounds.
The game doesn’t have a new game plus mode, but you can always replay the game with the opposite choice you made. One being neutral and the second the evil version hell bent on destroying everything.

Other than that, each initial playthrough will take a few extra hours if you aim to obtain all the Tower objects and upgrades along with farming enough gold and life force to forge all the equipment as well as buy all the Tower customizable items. So even if the game doesn’t offer much in terms of replayabiltiy each playthrough will keep you busy for quite a while. Given the age of the game, it can’t be faulted for lack of a new game+ mode that came long after this game was released and even games today still lack that much desired mode.

MGR Gaming’s Conclusions:
Spoilers Ahead:
You start the game with your eyes all foggy until a few browns rub some acid into your eyes to get them to focus properly. Once that has been done, Gnarl slowly starts introducing you to the life of an Overlord as you get dressed and equipped in your initial Overlord armor. The game offers a tutorial which can be played or skipped if you wish. From there on you and Gnarl with a few minions set out to retrieve the Tower heart which is the power source for your Tower.

Once that intro has been completed the game really starts, you start off with being able to control 5 minions, 10 after the Tower heart has been reclaimed, from there it’s you and your minions venturing out hell bent on getting some Overlording done. The game will slowly unfold the story of the seven fallen heroes who killed the original Overlord. Your task being revenge killing them all one by one as you move throughout the world, reclaiming your lost minions and tower objects.
The game has a very decent and enjoyable story line that really compliments the game itself, every mechanic works perfectly together with the game. Initially when you play the game you will feel like its missing content, but I urge you to realize that when the game was released back then it was a masterpiece. That is where I leave you, enough information, enough spoilers, time to get your Overlord on.

By: MGRza
Date: 1 July 2007
Additional Info:
Platforms: PC: Xbox 360: PlayStation 3: Mac: Linux
Genre: RPG: Third Person: Action: Funny: Dark Humour: Villain Protagonist
Censor Rating: M
Age Rating: n/a
Developer: Triumph Studios: Virtual Programming
Publisher: Codemasters
Release Date: 26 June 2007
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