Experience the loss of that night…
Please note that this Review may contain spoilers from the Base game
Some key points that this game add on has to offer:
- New Area
- New Playable Character
- New Enemy
- Horror Atmosphere

Lost In Nightmares allows us to experience what happened that night in the Spencer Manson for ourselves. The entire design of the DLC will give you flashbacks to RE1 with an abundance of puzzles and keys that need to be found.

This was a nice treat to experience, coupled with the deep horror atmosphere that this DLC offers makes it totally amazing. Besides the jump scare here or there that RE5 offered, it wasn’t really that scary.
You can replay the DLC again after completing it.
MGR Gaming’s Conclusions:
The DLC is rather short and can easily be finished in 30 minutes which was rather unfortunate. The fun was over just as it began, however, this is where we turn the difficulty up and do it again…

A true test of your skills are some uniquely created puzzles and a rather nasty BOW just waiting to pounce. Let us not forget who lies in wait at the end of this hallway, Albert Wesker, and I assure you, he will not go easy on you!
It may be short, but it is more than memorable…

Additional Info:
Platforms: PC: PlayStation 3: Xbox 360: PlayStation 4: Xbox One: Nintendo Switch: Nvidia Shield TV
Genre: 3D Vision: Action: Adventure: Atmospheric: Co-op: Co-op Campaign: Female Protagonist: Gore: Horror: Local Co-Op: Multiplayer: Online Co-Op: Quick-Time Events: Resident Evil: Shooter: Singleplayer: Survival: Survival Horror: Third Person: Third-Person Shooter: Zombies
Censor Rating: Blood & Gore: Intense Violence: Strong Language
Age Rating: 17
Developer: Capcom
Publisher: Capcom
Release Date: 17 February 2010
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