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State Of Decay Review

My fellow Zombie hunters, you are in for one wild ride, in this explosive Sandbox, survival masterpiece.

Some key points that this game offers:

  1. Sandbox Mode, play and build a community that can withstand anything.
  2. Massive open world to explore and scavenge in.
  3. Numerous playable characters, each with their own unique traits.
  4. Home base that can be built moved and upgraded.
  5. Tons and tons of fun.
That doesn’t look good!

Gameplay & Controls:

The game offers full controller support on the PC side of things so you have that add on choice should you wish for it, the game plays perfectly well on the keyboard and mouse, the mouse being used to look around with the mouse buttons being used to shoot or melee a Zombie and the RMB is used to aim your gun, allowing you to shoot.

The keyboard is used for movement and a wide range of others things such as sneaking and insta killing a Zombie. The controls handle very well; it is smooth and pure joy, whether you are going it on foot or in a vehicle.


The game offers you an open world sandbox survival experience, where you start with just you and your buddy, from there you must survive the endless horde until you can meet up with fellow survivors, increasing your numbers, and chance of survival.

As you go about this open world you scavenge buildings for resources such as medicines, weapons and food. Weapons have a durability and the more is it used the faster it breaks, keeping things fresh and the threat level high.

The game has some strategy to it, you can’t just plow into a Horde of Zombie’s, and there simply isn’t enough ammo unless you can headshot them all. Sneaking and stealth is a great aspect in this game, and it really adds to the “scare factor” atmosphere that the game creates.

A new day…

As you go about exploring you will run into other survivors, some offer missions, trade opportunities or if your trust is high enough, they will join you. State of Decay offers so much more, it truly is a work of art.


Every aspect of this game is beautiful, from the buildings that you loot to the wide variety of Zombies you engage in. Attention to detail is on par with every aspect here; the wide range of survivors all have their own unique look and appearance giving them each a personality, coupled with the special skills and abilities it truly makes each survivor a valuable add on to your community and not just a random NPC.

Vehicle details have also been done well, each one looks unique and after a long day of Zombie trampling the damage shows, tires can burst, bumpers can come off and if too much damage is taken, the car does smoke and eventually dies.  The buildings all look unique, the obstacles and furniture inside each home have been decorated and placed accordingly, giving you that unique atmosphere to home or town.

Food = Survival.

The day and night cycle has been done just as well, luckily we have our trusty torch to help us get home should the sun set before our tasks were done, roaming the day is a beauty from when the sun rises to when it sets, the buildings look beautiful, the running rivers and falling waterfalls are another beauty to behold. Roaming at night has a scare factor, it is pitch black so there is that constant feeling that you are not alone, but the night stars still offer another beauty to an already beautiful game.


Truly impressive; each survivor has their own lines and the voice actors performed them very well, the speech patterns are clear and easy to follow. The conversations aren’t just random but they fall in place with the game.

Road Rage!

The in game sounds are done just as stunningly; from the sounds the various cars make as they speed through the streets, to the various melee sounds as you hunt down Z’s. The in game sounds truly sets the atmosphere here, scavenging inside a building it is pitch black and you hear those hungry moans… you can’t see THEM but they are there… simply amazing


State of Decay offers a sandbox gameplay you can play it until you are over it, whether that is two days, or five weeks. The game generates random missions; from hunting Freaks, to helping other Enclave’s from Zombie assaults.

Lots to see, do and explore!

The game never ends, it does offer a minor campaign for you to play and follow until your survivor’s escape, but you can come back to the game and build up your home base to a fortress.

MGR Gaming’s Conclusions:
Spoilers Ahead:

State of Decay is brilliantly done, few Zombie games come close to what State of Decay offers. The open world is pure freedom, you can go anywhere and do anything, the game world is populated with numerous other survivors that offer several different missions which builds up their trust in you, but also pays out precious resources your own base needs.

Run like your live depends on it!

Your home base can be built in numerous locations, small and big, bigger is better as it offers more building space, such as bunk beds to house your survivors, to an infirmary to heal the sick. There are several of these buildings that can be built and upgraded. They make a difference and truly help in the long run.

That is enough spoilers for now; this is one beauty you must try out for yourself.

Stopping to admire the view is encouraged!


MGR Gaming Score 8

Additional Info:

Platforms: PC: Xbox 360: Xbox One
Genre: Zombies: Survival Horror: RPG: Action-Adventure: Open World: Base Building
Censor Rating: Mature
Age Rating: 18
Developer: Undead Labs
Publisher: Xbox Game Studios
Release Date: 5 November 2013

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