A Zombie survival adventure RPG like no other…
Some key points that this game offers:
- Co-op/ multiplayer modes. Can be played offline with a mate or online.
- Challenge mode, to put your survival skills to the test, solo or with a buddy.
- A simple but fun levelling system with character skills unique to each character.
- Technology tree offering a variety of crafting options; recovery items, weapons and armour.
- Great Replay value.
- Indie Gem 5/5
Gameplay & Controls:
Let’s start with the controls; the game has full controller support so you can grab your Xbox 360 controller or your specialized controller to start this zombie slaying adventure. This beauty supports them all, for the keyboard players, the game makes use of both your mouse and keyboard. Buttons can be remapped to your liking.
You choose one of three different survivors for your playthrough, each with their own little backstory. Each character has unique skills that you can unlock as they level up. Each character also has their own finisher moves for some instant killing action.
You as a survivor are stranded in an Archipelago. On these islands you will have to scavenge resources and materials to help keep you fed, protected and alive as you face off against Zombie’s.
The goal here is to survive whilst finding a way off the Island. You will run into other survivors that have quests for you to complete.
You have a rather large technology tree that allows you to make basic protective gear to powerful weapons of destruction. The game has a day and night cycle that comes with its own surprises, especially if the weather events turn against you such as rain that kills off your fire torch making it dark all around…
What is a survival game without basic needs such as keeping your survivor fed and nourished? This can only be done by eating food and drinking, which can be obtained from hunting animals and collecting certain roots. Some can even be cooked and then combined to offer a better and more nutritional meal, last but not least, sleep… Yeah even on a Zombie infested island your survivor needs to rest, and this can be done in one of many small safe houses scattered across these Islands, once you have cleared them out of course.
The game has a pretty simple story but it comes together beautifully, the game is tons of fun and can be enjoyed solo or with a mate, you can increase the difficulty to really challenge yourself and see who will be left alive, you or the islands Z population.
The game looks beautiful, it runs smoothly and it is pure joy, from start to finish. The game’s graphics aren’t very taxing, and can be played even on older machines; the game offers a few different options in terms of how the game can run and behave.
We have a variety of resolution options for the game going as far as 1600x 900, all of which can be played in Full screen or Window Mode. We also have the option to fine tune some of the games display features which can be set from Low to High and Ultra. Last but not least we can toggle VSYCN as well.
A lot of attention to detail went into this little gem.
Usually areas all look static with minimum changes but here we have unique settings all around. Not just the beaches, even the forests are all unique in appearance, the same goes for the swamps and camps. Everything has a personal touch of uniqueness.
There are numerous Zombie types, but all with their own detail, look and feel. Each Zombie has certain and specific traits, you can clearly see the difference between Zombies, whether they are armoured or not.
All aspects of the in game world runs beautifully; from the waves coming onto the beaches, to the Zombies running while they are on fire.
The survivors including your own character all have unique looks and appearances along with their own characteristics.
To accompany a beautiful game comes a very soothing and lively sound addition, one that really enhances what is there already, the eerie night exploration expeditions feel a tad more dangerous as those night time sounds come alive with those Zombie grunts you hear but don’t always see.
On the beaches you can hear the water and waves as they crash onto the beach lightly, you can hear the seagulls flying about or taking flight if you get too close. In the forests there are unique sounds as well to give you that eerie feel like there are Zombies around every corner, but to be honest there are Zombies around pretty much every corner anyway.
All in all, the sound side of things truly enhances this game, taking it to an even higher level of enjoyment.
The survivors you meet also have their own voices so when you interact with them you can speak to them and listen to what they have to say.
Once you have finished the story mode, you can always start it again in co-op mode with a mate using another character to have access to unique skills you didn’t have with your previous choice.
You will also have access to new finisher moves to enjoy this time around, and last but not least you can always up the difficulty to put your newly found experience to the test.
Don’t forget Challenge mode, where you are scored on how well you perform.
MGR Gaming’s Conclusions:
Spoilers Ahead:
When it comes down to it all How to Survive is truly a remarkable game, as an Indie game this one truly goes the limit and beyond, delivering one hell of a good time to anyone who is willing to give it a shot.
Whether you are looking for a simple time waster or a not too hard survival game; this one will give it to you. If you are a Zombie fan like me you will get your money’s worth here as well, this game might not be days long but every second spent in here is truly joyous.
The game is easy and challenging, you can choose how your adventure goes, you can take an easy stroll through it on easy or you can test your mettle in Iron Man Mode, the choice is yours.
The story line isn’t that deep but it is still enjoyable, as you play you will pick up some slight mystery to how things run on these islands. I found this to be quite fun, but with the short campaign it has, it was kind of over before I had my fill. However, this does not lessen any of the fun that this Indie Gem has to offer.
The game has that sandbox feel to it, you can just run from quest to quest; whether it is the main missions or the monkey side quests, yeah here we can take orders from Coco these islands Monkey!
The levelling system is rather simple but perfect for the gameplay we have here. The crafting tree however is quite amazing. The recipes and blueprints for all the items you can craft is scattered throughout the islands. There are some powerful weapons that will aid you in the fight for Survival.
All in all, one amazing little Indie Gem that you should really give a shot.
Additional Info:
Platforms: PC: Xbox 360: PlayStation 3: Xbox One: PlayStation 4: Wii U
Genre: Indie: RPG: Zombies: Survival: Crafting
Censor Rating: Mature
Age Rating: N/A
Developer: Eko Software
Publisher: 505 Games
Release Date: 23 October 2013
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