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The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion®: Shivering Isles Review

The latest and largest expansion to the world of Oblivion to date, adding tons of new awesome content to contend with.

Please note that this Review may contain spoilers from the Base game

Some key points that this game add on has to offer:

  1. Brand new location that is quarter of the size of Oblivion itself.
  2. Ten new enemy types.
  3. More than 200 new weapons and armour pieces.
  4. New plot line.
  5. New achievements and Trophies to earn.
It leads to so so much more than just Wonder!


The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion®: Shivering Isles adds a brand new location to the world of Cyrodiil that can be explored massively increasing the already massive game world.

Loads of beauty to admire.

MGR Gaming’s Conclusions:

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion®: Shivering Isles is the largest and supposed final DLC that is planned for The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion®, if it remains true, they are going out with a bang. The latest DLC adds new everything to the game, not just a new location here and there, but a doorway to an entire new realm filled with locations of its own.

This new realm is the domain of the Daedric Prince Sheogorath, it is simply known as the realm of madness or the Shivering Isles.

So far so good!

This realm offers more than 30 hours of playtime, it is filled with more than 200 new gear and armour pieces for you to find, equip and try out, thankfully by now we have room to store it all.

With these new loot pieces comes a variety of new alchemical ingredients too. This world is massive in size and can be measured roughly to 25% of the world of Cyrodiil itself, giving you quite a massive new world to explore.

That is a big one.

This new world offers a rather lengthy main campaign that is quite enjoyable and fun to play. The story line is decently done, it is entertaining and keeps you captivated. Numerous side quests have been added as well further increasing your to do’s here.

All in all, quite an amazing add on to an already amazing game.

New play mates…
MGR Gaming Score 9

By: MGRza
Date: 29 March 2007

Gorgeous setting.

Additional Info:

Platforms: PC: Xbox 360: PlayStation 3
Genre: RPG: Open World  
Censor Rating: Mature
Age Rating: 13
Developer: Bethesda Game Studios
Publisher: Bethesda Softworks
Release Date: 26 March 2007

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