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Darkest Dungeon®: The Crimson Court Review

The first DLC is here and it packs one bloody punch!

Please note that this Review may contain spoilers from the Base game

Some key points that this game add on has to offer:

  1. New Hero class; the Flagellant.
  2. Districts, a new Hamlet mechanic where you can construct new buildings that provide bonuses to your Hero’s.
  3. New Trinkets and Set Trinket System.
  4. New Bosses and a Wandering Boss.
  5. New area, the Courtyard.
  6. New enemies and much more.
Look who has come to die!


This DLC adds onto the base game, expanding and enhancing it, it is best experienced alongside the original campaign.

MGR Gaming’s Conclusions:

Darkest Dungeon®: The Crimson Court is the first DLC for the hit game Darkest Dungeon and in many ways, it is the perfect expansion. It adds so much new content and mechanics to the game that it changes how the entire game is played.

This DLC adds an entire new story line to the game that doesn’t change or alter the main campaign in any way whatsoever, it merely adds to it and it is best played alongside the main campaign.

Please sir, may i have some more?

The biggest impact that the new DLC has is the new affliction, the Crimson Curse which adds some positive and negative effects to the inflicted Hero’s. The Blood and Laudanum are two new provision items that have been added to the game. The Blood is used to control the Crimson Curse and the other is a healing item.

Numerous new Trinkets were also added with the special set system, if two specific trinkets are equipped on a Hero, they grant a set bonus which boosts the equipped Hero even further. This new bonus will really add some punch to combat the new difficulty that has also been added with this DLC.

These blood suckers will be the end of you!

The Flagellant is the new Hero that joins our crusade against the horrors, focusing on dealing bleeding damage and as his health decreases his effectiveness increases adding a formidable new strategy to your game experience.

Districts is another big expansion to the game, giving you the option to rebuild broken down buildings and once they have been rebuilt, they offer powerful bonuses to your Hero’s, upgrading them requires special blueprints.

There are many new enemies to face off against as well in this DLC…

A must have DLC for a must have game.

There is no end to this madness!
MGR Gaming Score 8

Additional info:

Platforms: PC: Mac: Linux: PlayStation 4: PlayStation Vita: IOS: Nintendo Switch: Xbox One
Genre: Strategy: RPG
Censor Rating: Mature: Dark
Age Rating: 16
Developer: Red Hook Studios
Publisher: Red Hook Studios
Release Date:  19 June 2017

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