Welcome to a Hellish Paradise unlike anything you’ve seen before… There is beauty with no rival…, and evil that will tear you asunder… Do have a good day though!
Some key points that this game offers:
- Absolutely stunning visuals.
- Advanced AI system & tactics.
- Pulse- Racing atmosphere.
Gameplay & Controls:
The controls for the game are pretty standard in terms of keyboard and mouse layout, the game makes use of a few unique keys for the in game actions, but you can remap them to your liking.
The controls handle very smoothly, the various key commands can all be easily accessed and made use of for the variety of combat needs that the game will present, and trust me this game’s combat will challenge you in ways you haven’t thought possible.
The gameplay… Where to start and where to stop. The game is an absolute masterpiece, Crytek Studios went above and beyond to ensure that Far Cry will deliver something we’ve never experienced before. We have a mostly Open world terrain that allows us to approach our objectives from a number of different angles, this however isn’t just for the sake of making things easy or different.
The AI combat system is very cunning, should you make the mistake of making too much noise or alerting the enemy mercenaries in any way whatsoever, they will remind you of this error harshly. The AI system uses advanced group tactics to eliminate the threat that you pose. Be prepared to be flanked, ambushed and that is not all, Unit leaders will radio in for reinforcements so you truly have your work cut out for you. Helping you combat this advanced system is a large arsenal of amazing weapons, from pistols to sniper rifles that can fire from hundreds of meters away, taking out the enemy without ever getting close to them.
Stating that Far Cry is beautiful is probably the understatement of the year… The Far Cry Engine broke new ground here; Every aspect that this game offers is truly jaw droppingly gorgeous. The Jungle with it’s beautiful landscaping, from the variety of foliage that moves and behaves in their own unique patterns adding to the beauty and realism that Far Cry has created.
The structure’s and other buildings you explore on the island share the same quality, realism and beautiful details. The game’s dynamic lighting adds to this beauty enhancing it to an entire new level of visual beauty we have not seen in gaming before. The character models all surpass anything we have enjoyed to date, delivering a wide variety of unique enemy combatants to us.
The overall lighting and shadows that the game generates for the variety of in game elements is truly a work of art.
Under the settings side of things there is a wide variety of settings that can be used to customize your game to your machine capabilities.
Total surround sound… You get to experience one of the hottest games there is, now with surround sound, not only does this make the game sound and play better but this adds so much to the realism that Far Cry is trying to create.
The game feels so alive, so lifelike; the jungle truly feels alive around you, there are so many small elements that contribute to it, from the beauty and unique designs to the brilliant usage of the in game sounds.
The mercenary voice actors are all on par sharing the same quality standard to not only bring us pretty looking enemies, but enemies that are more lifelike than ever before.
The game truly is a work of art, you will replay this game for so many reasons; namely to simply enjoy the beauty and uniqueness that it offers.
The game also offers us Multiplayer where we can take the game online against friends and others in three different game modes.
MGR Gaming’s Conclusions:
Spoilers Ahead:
Far Cry truly broke every expectation that it set. It is like they simply got everything right. A task that is never easy or can never be fully attained, the dynamics of a game does not always fall in place with what you want, or that you wish to deliver to your fan base.
Far Cry is the exception here, this game is simply brilliant and damn near perfect. There is such beauty in this game that you simply can’t get enough of it, yet the game offers such a heart crushing ugly side to it in terms of the story that the campaign offers you and that is what makes the game so brilliant, with its visual beauty comes a dark and horrific secret .
This island paradise may look pretty on the outside but that which is on the inside will shock you to your core.
The story line was brilliantly written, mysterious and dark at times, adding to the drama and constantly building the atmosphere up to explosive proportions.
Simply an amazing game.
By: MGRza
Date: 29 March 2004
Additional Info:
Platforms: PC: Xbox 360: PlayStation 3
Genre: FPS: Action
Censor Rating: Mature
Age Rating: 16
Developer: Crytek Studios
Publisher: Ubisoft
Release Date: 23 March 2004
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